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The Ships in Kiel

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

My favorite Mother/Daughter Art Duo is comprised of mom, Monika Kröemer and daughter, Astrid Kröemer, of Kiel, Germany ( I was introduced to them when our art museum initiated an international art exchange with the cultural center managed by Astrid. The center is located on a stunning promenade overlooking the Baltic Sea. It's one of the prettiest places one can visit and so it's understandable that mother and daughter's artwork would so aptly capture the beauty of the surroundings. Monika's artwork in particular depicts the ships in the harbor, set against a hazy, ethereal background of blue green water.

Gallery of Paintings by Monika Krömer

Mom Monika Krömer ( began her artwork as a ceramic artist in the 1970s. She went on to own an art shop in Wedel/Holstein until 1980 when she began teaching pottery to children. A Board Member of the Wedel Cultural Forum, she relocated from there to the Baltic Sea in 1997 where she now has a studio overlooking the water. She can see the passing ships in Kiel from that studio window, which provides the scenery and inspiration for her harbors, houses, and sailing ships on canvas.

Monika admits she likes to experiment with acrylic, chalk, and charcoal which gives her pictures depth and exciting shades of color. She works in multiple layers, creating half-abstract/half-realistic pictures. She is very good at capturing the light and colors of the sea and, at her second home in Laboe, Germany, she creates her maritime motif from her sun-drenched world. Monika is fine to re-work her pictures multiple times to get them to her exacting specifications that beautifully showcase the sails, winds, beaches, and ports of her lovely country.

Photos of Kiel, Germany

Monika’s daughter, Astrid, is also inspired by the passing ships in Kiel. Astrid's advanced art training has been from the LAG-Kunst Schleswig-Holstein e.V. and that advanced training has developed her painting techniques.( Today, Astrid takes care of the programs and web for the Freya Frahm Haus Cultural Center ( and assists Board Members, Gabi Lubeck and Christa Heller.

Born and raised in Hamburg, Germany, Astrid graduated from the University of Applied Sciences for Design, specializing in illustration with a focus on children’s book illustration.

In 2014, she received further training to become an Atelierista at Pädiko (the artistic-pedagogical field of practice) and by 2015, her illustrations were featured in over 100 children and youth books, published by various authors. Astrid continues to participate in various illustration exhibits including the “Figure Futur” in Paris.

Photo of Kirsten Matzen and Astrid Kröemer, Germany

Astrid’s painting career has spanned many years. She began teaching others in 2004. Her exhibition participation includes shows in Laboe, Germany, in Sankt Andreasberg, Harz, and Alsterart, Hamburg, Germany, in Kiel, Germany, and in the Cavissamba Gallery. She and her mother are shining examples of talent that runs in the family.

Genießen! Enjoy the press about them by visiting:

Artwork can be purchased directly through the artists by emailing them at: (Monika) or (Astrid)

Schöne Arbeit!

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